About Us

Summerland Home Watch is owned and operated by Krista and Ron Lyver. Drawing on over 30 years of combined law enforcement experience, we provide professional comprehensive checks of your unoccupied home. We are reliable, trustworthy professionals passionate about keeping your home safe and sound while you are away. In addition to our professional background, we are insured and each possess a provincial security license.

Krista & Ron Lyver

Krista was raised in an Air Force family and is very proud of her base brat status.  Her family were posted to bases all across Canada and in Germany.  Her youth was spent traveling across this great nation as well as experiencing much of what Europe has to offer.  She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a bachelor’s degree in Criminology/Sociology and a minor in Modern World History.  Krista spent four years in the Canadian Armed Forces Army Reserve while attending University in Winnipeg.  While raising her two children, she was the Executive Director of several police-based victim assistance programs and spent much of her time organizing and presenting seminars to the communities on the topic of residential and home security and obtained her Level 1 CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) training during this time.  Krista joined the Calgary Police Service in 2003 before serving with the Lacombe Police Service and City of Red Deer, providing general duty policing and traffic services.  Krista is married to Ron Lyver who grew up in Penticton before joining the Army in 1986.  After serving 6 years with the CAF, Ron joined the RCMP and spent his 24 years of service in Alberta before retiring from the force in 2016 and settling in Summerland.  Krista holds a valid BC Security License and currently works at the Penticton RCMP Detachment on a casual basis.

Krista and Ron look forward to assisting many homeowners in achieving peace of mind while they travel this great country and abroad.

Michelle Rennie, founder of Summerland Homewatch, grew up in the Okanagan. She left the interior to pursue a career in policing. In her professional career, Michelle has worked for the Vancouver Police Department in a number of positions and served with the Delta Police Department as a constable and a dog handler.

Ten years ago Michelle moved back to the Okanagan. Since then she has worked for both the Penticton and Kelowna police detachments. Michelle is the proud mother of an active 14 year old son, an outdoor enthusiast and a Vancouver Canuck’s fan. Being married to an Edmonton Oilers fan insures that life is never dull in Michelle and Brad’s household when the Canucks play the Oilers!
